Top 19 Largest Retailer Rankings by Total Assets

SWFI deals

Rankings by Total Assets

RankProfileTotal AssetsTypeRegion, Inc.$321,195,000,000RetailerNorth America
2.Walmart$252,496,000,000RetailerNorth America
3.Walgreens Boots Alliance$87,174,000,000RetailerNorth America
4.Costco Wholesale Corporation$55,556,000,000RetailerNorth America
5.Target Corporation$51,248,000,000RetailerNorth America
6.Kroger$44,462,000,000RetailerNorth America
7.Dollar Tree$19,574,600,000RetailerNorth America
8.Best Buy$19,067,000,000RetailerNorth America
9.eBay Inc.$18,929,000,000RetailerNorth America
10.Macy's$16,972,000,000RetailerNorth America
11.Kohl's CorporationRetailerNorth America
12.JC PenneyRetailerNorth America
13.Foot LockerRetailerNorth America
15.Shoprite HoldingsRetailerAfrica
16.American Eagle OutfittersRetailerNorth America
17.GameStopRetailerNorth America
18.Sultan Center Food Products CompanyRetailerMiddle East
19.SinglePointRetailerNorth America

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