Second Asia Wave of Coronavirus, While Australia Sees Uptick

Posted on 07/27/2020

A cadre of Asian countries are facing a second wave of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Hong Kong is expected to release more restrictions on movement and behaviors. Hong Kong is looking at banning in-house dining in restaurants.

In China, the Liaoning province reported a fifth straight day of new infections and Jilin province reported more cases.

Avoiding mass coronavirus infections, Japan has witnessed a record surge in cases during the past week in Tokyo and other metro areas like Osaka and Fukuoka.
After three people tested positive for COVID-19, Vietnam is evacuating 80,000 people, mostly local tourists, from the central city of Danang. Indonesia is expected to report its 100,000th case on July 28, 2020.

The Philippines reports a total of more than 62,000 coronavirus cases since June 1, 2020.


Most of Australia is effectively virus-free; however, urban areas are seeing increases in viral spread. Victoria state in Australia reported its highest daily increase in coronavirus infections, reporting 532 new cases. Melbourne is the only city in Australia that has a mandatory rule to wear a facemask in public. Victoria currently has more than 4,500 active cases. New South Wales reached around 3,500 cases in total, with about 1,100 active cases.

U.S. Population: One birth every 8 seconds. One death every 12 seconds. One international migrant (net) every 47 seconds. Net gain of one person every 16 seconds
World Population 2020: 7,666,972,410 vs. 6,143,493,823 in 2000 vs. 1,600,000,000 in 1900.

1. China 1,394,015,977
2. India 1,326,093,247
3. United States 329,877,505
4. Indonesia 267,026,366
5. Pakistan 233,500,636
6. Nigeria 214,028,302
7. Brazil 211,715,973
8. Bangladesh 162,650,853
9. Russia 141,722,205
10. Mexico 128,649,565

Source: U.S. Census, Jul 27, 2020 07:55 UTC (+7)

Cases by Country since recording

Confirmed Cases by Country/Region/Sovereignty
4,234,021 United States
2,419,091 Brazil
1,435,616 India
811,073 Russia
445,433 South Africa
390,516 Mexico
375,961 Peru
345,790 Chile
301,020 United Kingdom
291,172 Iran
274,289 Pakistan
272,421 Spain
266,941 Saudi Arabia
248,976 Colombia
246,118 Italy
226,100 Turkey
223,453 Bangladesh
217,801 France
206,667 Germany
162,526 Argentina
115,789 Canada
110,032 Iraq
109,305 Qatar
98,778 Indonesia
92,062 Egypt
86,570 China
83,122 Kazakhstan
80,694 Ecuador
80,448 Philippines
78,997 Sweden
76,005 Oman
69,429 Bolivia
67,132 Belarus
67,068 Ukraine
66,026 Belgium
63,773 Kuwait
62,908 Dominican Republic
61,956 Israel
60,296 Panama
58,913 United Arab Emirates
53,005 Netherlands
50,369 Singapore
50,164 Portugal
45,053 Guatemala
44,798 Romania
43,065 Poland
40,532 Nigeria
39,276 Honduras
39,131 Bahrain
37,317 Armenia
36,263 Afghanistan
34,412 Switzerland
33,296 Kyrgyzstan
32,969 Ghana
30,679 Japan
30,050 Azerbaijan
27,357 Algeria
25,881 Ireland
23,730 Serbia
23,034 Moldova
20,531 Uzbekistan
20,472 Austria
20,278 Morocco
18,613 Nepal
17,603 Kenya
16,708 Cameroon
15,596 Cote d’Ivoire
15,463 Venezuela
15,324 Czechia
15,229 Costa Rica
14,935 Australia
14,630 El Salvador
14,175 Korea, South
13,968 Ethiopia
13,665 Denmark
11,385 Sudan
10,469 West Bank and Gaza
10,427 Bulgaria
10,086 North Macedonia
9,767 Bosnia and Herzegovina
9,681 Senegal
9,295 Madagascar
9,117 Norway
8,897 Malaysia
8,831 Congo (Kinshasa)
7,393 Finland
7,315 Haiti
7,192 Tajikistan
7,008 Guinea
6,984 Gabon
6,917 Kosovo
6,272 Luxembourg
6,171 Mauritania
5,050 Djibouti
4,857 Croatia
4,763 Albania
4,599 Central African Republic
4,481 Zambia
4,444 Paraguay
4,435 Hungary
4,193 Greece
3,750 Lebanon
3,640 Malawi
3,439 Nicaragua
3,302 Maldives
3,295 Thailand
3,178 Somalia
3,071 Equatorial Guinea
3,038 Congo (Brazzaville)
2,799 Montenegro
2,782 Sri Lanka
2,669 Libya
2,512 Zimbabwe
2,510 Mali
2,495 Cuba
2,307 Cabo Verde
2,262 South Sudan
2,207 Eswatini
2,179 Slovakia
2,082 Slovenia
2,034 Estonia
2,008 Lithuania
1,954 Guinea-Bissau
1,847 Iceland
1,821 Rwanda
1,783 Sierra Leone
1,775 Namibia
1,770 Benin
1,681 Yemen
1,669 Mozambique
1,556 New Zealand
1,452 Tunisia
1,439 Suriname
1,219 Latvia
1,192 Uruguay
1,168 Jordan
1,162 Liberia
1,137 Georgia
1,136 Niger
1,115 Uganda
1,086 Burkina Faso
1,057 Cyprus
932 Angola
915 Chad
897 Andorra
868 Togo
863 Sao Tome and Principe
842 Jamaica
712 Diamond Princess
700 Malta
699 San Marino
686 Botswana
650 Syria
509 Tanzania
505 Lesotho
458 Taiwan*
420 Vietnam
370 Guyana
361 Burundi
354 Comoros
350 Burma
344 Mauritius
342 Bahamas
288 Mongolia
277 Gambia
263 Eritrea
225 Cambodia
147 Trinidad and Tobago
141 Brunei
116 Monaco
114 Seychelles
110 Barbados
95 Bhutan
86 Liechtenstein
82 Antigua and Barbuda
62 Papua New Guinea
52 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
48 Belize
27 Fiji
24 Saint Lucia
24 Timor-Leste
23 Grenada
20 Laos
18 Dominica
17 Saint Kitts and Nevis
12 Holy See
10 Western Sahara
9 MS Zaandam

Total Global Confirmed: 16,264,048
Total Global Deaths: 648,966
Global Recovered: 9,407,777
SOURCE: John Hopkins Coronavirus Resources Center at 7/26/2020, 11:34:50 PM.

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