DAILY DOSE: January 6, 2021

Posted on 01/06/2021

1. There was a delay in certifying the electoral votes that will make Joe Biden the next President of the United States. President Donald Trump gave a speech in Washington DC to his supporters and his claim of election fraud. Vice President Pence penned a long letter saying he does not have the authority to overturn the electoral votes. Soon after, Trump rebuked his own Vice President Mike Pence on Twitter saying, “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!” With a prolonged election season of mail-in voting and election irregularities in certain states, a large portion of voters have grown in distrust of the system.

There were active pipe bombs at Republican National headquarters today. Law enforcement located and disabled.

A group of protestors, some led by agent provocateurs, ended up breaking into the Capitol building, storming various rooms and chambers. Some of the factions that broke into the capitol support the QANON movement and the Boogaloo bois. An unarmed 14-year U.S. Air Force Vet female was shot in the neck and killed in the Capitol building. Trump recorded a message calling for “peace,” and told protesters to “go home”.

2. Based on numerous media outlets, it appears that the Republicans will lose control of the U.S. Senate, as two Democrats appear to have won the Special Session race in Georgia. Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff both win their Georgia runoff races. Some pundits are blaming Senate Republicans for pushing hard on the US$ 600 per person stimulus vs. Trump and the Democrats US$ 2,000 per person stimulus.

3. The United States didn’t import any oil from Saudi Arabia for the first time in 35 years last week.

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