Michael Maduell Speaker Information

Posted on 03/23/2021

Media and Speaker Requests: events(a)swfinstitute.org

The World-Renowned Expert on Sovereign Wealth Funds and Public Funds

Michael J. Maduell is President, Founder, and a Board Member of the Sovereign Wealth Fund Institute (SWFI). Michael Maduell is a sought-after intellectual, world traveler, global advisor, and investor. Under his leadership, SWFI has grown dramatically in prestige, global reach, and clients. SWFI provides research, intelligence and data to a variety of clients including: investment banks, asset managers, asset owners, private equity firms, law firms, universities, governments, and corporations.

Michael is credited with bringing attention to sovereign wealth funds and public pensions to the forefront. Among other inventions, Michael co-invented the Linaburg-Maduell Transparency Index. The index is a method of rating transparency in respect to sovereign wealth funds.

Michael’s prolific research and the Institute’s data products have been referenced in thousands of academic papers and respected journals, as well as appearing in prominent media outlets. Michael has made a myriad of television appearances on channels such as CNBC, CNN, BNN, and Bloomberg. He received his Master’s in Investment Management and Financial Analysis from Saint Mary’s College (Moraga, CA) and a Bachelor’s in Finance and Risk Management from California State University, Sacramento.

Michael Maduell has spoken at many events and conferences including: House of Commons (UK), Guildhall, Saudi Arabia’s Future Investment Initiative, Chatham House, Annual Investment Meeting Congress (Dubai), and more.

Image: Michael Maduell speaking at the House of Commons in May 30, 2023.

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