Former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Dies After Being Shot in Japan

Posted on 07/08/2022

Shinzo Abe (age 67) (1954-2022) was the longest-serving prime minister for Japan – he stepped down in 2020. During an election campaign rally in Nara, Shinzo Abe died after being shot by a homemade gun on July 8, 2022. Abe was hit in the chest and near his neck. Doctors who treated him said one bullet had pierced his heart. He was shot by a 41-year-old man, Tetsuya Yamagami, who approached Abe from behind. Abe was giving a speech in Nara and the gunman fired twice. News organizations gathered outside the Nara Medical University Hospital, where Abe was taken after he was shot. Abe had no vital signs when he arrived at the hospital but that they conducted resuscitation. Abe was confirmed dead at 5:03 pm.

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