Wellcome Leap and Temasek Trust Allocate $60 Million at Longevity Health Programs

Posted on 04/26/2023

Wellcome Leap and Temasek Trust have partnered to launch a US$ 60 million Dynamic Resilience programme aimed at increasing health spans. Average human life expectancy has doubled from 35 to 70 years over the past century, but health spans have not correspondingly improved.

The three-year Dynamic Resilience programme has three goals: (1) to identify new biomarker signatures of resilience that predict health outcomes after a stress event using collections of biological specimens and associated health data that have been collected from individuals over time; (2) to understand what causes frailty and resilience, using lab tests to assess the effects of stress on biological systems at different levels of complexity, including cells, tissues, and whole organisms; and (3) to test ways to improve biological resilience in at-risk people prior to predictable stress events like surgery, targeting reduction to further frailty or death by at least 25% in intervention versus control groups.

Wellcome Leap builds and executes programs funded at scale. Founded by the Wellcome Trust in 2020 as a U.S. nonprofit with initial funding of US$ 300 million, Leap programs target complex human health challenges with the goal of achieving breakthrough scientific and technological solutions.

Temasek Trust, established by Temasek Holdings, is a steward of philanthropic assets.

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