Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees

Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees: Corporate Pension in United States, North America

Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees is a Corporate Pension located in New Orleans, LA United States, North America. Current Assets for Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees is $59,454,242,000 and SWFI has 4 periods of historical assets available for CSV Export.

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Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees Details

Name:Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees
Legal Name:Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees
Region:North America
Country:United States
Type:Corporate Pension

Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees Contact Information

Address:PO Box 61839 New Orleans, LA
City:New Orleans
Region:North America
Country:United States

Entergy Corporation Retirement Plan For Bargaining Employees Asset Allocation

SegmentPercentageAmount (USD)
Public EquitySegment percentages and amounts available on swfi.com
Fixed Income
Real Estate
Private Equity
Private Credit
Hedge Funds
Natural Resources

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